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Six Reactions I Get When People Learn I'm a Psychiatrist
I’ve discovered Medium. Totally addicting. A reader’s paradise. And writer’s too. Check out the piece I just
My Favorite Therapy Magazine Has Excerpted Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist's Life!
The Psychotherapy Networker is read by therapists all around the world. Oh my!
How I Challenged a Privileged White Male Friend's Racism
The Hardest Part? First, I Had to Listen to Him.
Given my introverted nature and aversion to crowds and conflict, I’ve been stumped for a way to help dismantle White supremacy. While waiting for a brilliant idea to burn through the atmosphere and crash into my head, I’ve been…
On Listening as Essential
Since Trump and the GOP swept the 2016 election, it’s been one unthinkable legal change after the other in the wrong direction, practically daily. With each thing, I’ve thought: It can’t get any worse. And then it does.
Pandemic Therapy: Video Chat 0, Phone 1
Just had a short article published by my favorite professional mag!
Book Review: Boomer on the Ledge by Molly Stevens
Slim, Funny and Good Looking. That would have been the lede of my Amazon review of Molly Steven’s Boomer on the Ledge but alas, the Overlord Purveyor of Everything has arbitrarily blocked, excuse me, is “not accepting” my feedback. I was distressed, as was my ever empathic doll (“not a child’s toy” designed and handmade by the author). But where there’s a blog, there’s a way.
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
It’s National Mental Health Awareness month? How ironic. Two months in to this pandemic, I’m well aware—no, I’m hyper aware that most people’s mental health, including my own, is under siege. It’s impossible to ignore. There is just too much uncertainty. And too many feelings to deal with, from bowel-churning terror to metal-melting rage and everything in between. But now that I think about it, that’s proof I’m well and healthy, and so are you, if you’re swinging the same. How could it be any other way? These are simply psycho-logical responses to an increasingly psycho reality.
Draft. Revise and Revise and Revise. Publish.
A box packed with copies of an author’s newly published book should be called a…
Ever wondered what shrinks do all day? And after hours?
You’d be surprised. Or, maybe not. It’s amazing how much trouble I get into with patients (and elsewhere), and even more amazing how often I manage to be helpful. It’s a knack. Kidding. Problem solving while panicking in free fall is a skill set, one we need now more than ever.