Ever wondered what shrinks do all day? And after hours?


You’d be surprised. Or, maybe not. It’s amazing how much trouble I get into with patients (and elsewhere), and even more amazing how often I manage to be helpful. It’s a knack. Kidding. Problem solving while panicking in free fall is a skill set, one we need now more than ever. After the pandemic passes, we’ll all need therapy too. Get ahead of that curve now. Read my book (I can’t believe I actually said that), Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist’s Life and learn some shrink-think. The best part? While you’re immersed in my life, you’ll escape yours.

If you’re anything like me, the need to escape has never been stronger. Or the need greater for cute baby pics; torch songs (Pink Martini, anyone?); affectionately satiric fiction (Terry Pratchett, always); and solid human competence (Dr. Fauci rules). Practicing doesn’t make perfect. It makes better. Practice what you love, get better, let that love spread out around you. COVID-19. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Stay connected. Stay safe. Practice, practice, practice; a little every day. In November, vote.


Draft. Revise and Revise and Revise. Publish.


Podcast Interview!