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Good Things Come in Threes
Indeed they do! I’ve had quite the July.
On 7/18/24, I received a box of first editions of my second book! (That’s one.) The same day friends who had pre-ordered it, received theirs! (That’s two.) Oh. My. God. This book is really happening.
My Bouncing Baby Book Is One Year Old!
How time flies when you’re having a pandemic! While bookie and I never got out of the house for a launch party or book tours, some very nice things happened.
My favorite—
My Favorite Therapy Magazine Has Excerpted Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist's Life!
The Psychotherapy Networker is read by therapists all around the world. Oh my!
Draft. Revise and Revise and Revise. Publish.
A box packed with copies of an author’s newly published book should be called a…