Good Things Come in Threes

Indeed they do! I’ve had quite the July.

On 7/18/24, I received a box of first editions of my new book! (That’s one.) The same day friends who had pre-ordered it received theirs! (That’s two.) Oh. My. God. This book is really happening.

To pre-order with 20% off and free shipping, go to the WW Norton website. You’ll get it now even though the formal launch is 9/17/24.

While I wrote this book for therapists and clinicians, if you are interested in mental health work, it’s not a hard read. (Disclaimer: you may have to look up a term or two.) I wrote my clinical memoir, Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist’s Life for everybody. Together, they make a nice set. If I do say so myself.

Then, on 7/28/24, the National Society of Newspaper Columnists awarded me a Third Place in the General Online category of the 2024 contest! (That’s three.) Again! They gave me a Third Place in the same category at the 2022 conference too. Read about the 2022 conference and those two winning blog posts here. For the 2024 award winning blog posts, go here and here.

Good things really do come in threes. The saying comes from the Latin omne trium perfectum, meaning “everything that comes in threes is perfect.” We humans find groups of three to be more effective, satisfying, and funny—and more memorable too— than other number groups. The Rule of Three rocks. (Note to self: Pay attention. Notice good things that arrive in threes. Be grateful.**)

(**Hey! That’s three things! I noticed. That’s good. I’m grateful.)