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Good Things Come in Threes
Indeed they do! I’ve had quite the July.
On 7/18/24, I received a box of first editions of my second book! (That’s one.) The same day friends who had pre-ordered it, received theirs! (That’s two.) Oh. My. God. This book is really happening.
It’s Done! I Finished Writing My Book!
Yes! Not only that—I met my deadline. I am amazed.
You know what’s weird? I can’t remember writing it. Wait, that’s not accurate. I do remember the experience of writing it.
Mery X'mas!
I wrote this piece years ago, when Donald Westlake was my favorite author. (Today, he is one of my favorites.) I admit that reposting it now carries a whiff of nostalgia—COVID has changed my shopping habits. I shop less, and go during off hours so as to spend the least time with the most social distance. That protects my health, of course. But it sacrifices the fun of eavesdropping. I miss that.
Enjoy this brief hop back to a COVID-free holiday season, and the excerpt from one of Westlake’s best, Bad News, featuring Dortmunder, and the regulars at the OJ.