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It’s Done! I Finished Writing My Book!
Yes! Not only that—I met my deadline. I am amazed.
You know what’s weird? I can’t remember writing it. Wait, that’s not accurate. I do remember the experience of writing it.
Woe is Me, I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
Writing used to be my happy place. I used to be disciplined, reliable, and productive. Not anymore.
“How’s the book coming?” asks my friend Kristin, best-selling author and major procrastinator. She’s referring to the book W.W. Norton, major publisher of books essential to the practice of psychiatry and neurology, has advanced me actual money to write: 50,000 words, completed manuscript due October 2023.
“Terrible,” I say. “I oversleep, dawdle away the delegated time, then feel relieved when the time runs out. I don’t recognize myself!!!”
Why My W. W. Norton Book Deal Wasn't Random, Though It Felt That Way
I was invited—out of the blue— to write an academic book by W. W. Norton, a publisher of books essential to the practice of psychiatry and neurology. I’ve been writing and practicing psychiatry for decades in obscurity and felt like a long-time actor might feel who gets “discovered overnight”— Disbelieving. Thrilled. Validated.
Thinking through how it happened makes me believe that you, too, can write an article that leads to a book deal.
Beyond Thrilled to Announce I Have a Book Deal with W. W. Norton
I have a book deal! With W.W. Norton! For an academic book!
That’s amazing all by itself given I’m a rural shrink toiling in the back forty of upstate New York untethered from academia. But here’s what totally blows my mind.