Beyond Thrilled to Announce I Have a Book Deal with W. W. Norton

I have a book deal! With W.W. Norton! For an academic book!

That’s amazing all by itself given I’m a rural shrink toiling in the back forty of upstate New York untethered from academia. But here’s what totally blows my mind. They asked me to submit a proposal for a book-length manuscript—which they accepted!—expanding on a 2000-word article I wrote for The Psychiatric Times, a peer-reviewed monthly, published last January.

Wow. W.W. Norton. They publish books essential to the practice of psychiatry and neurology. Now mine will join those. I’ll have moved the work forward and future clinicians will benefit. That’s the most thrilling of all.

That said, I have to write it. See you next year.

Check out my first book here!


Harvest Lust


Look Out! I'm a National Award Winner!