Look Out! I'm a National Award Winner!

Photo credit: Suzette Martinez Stranding, award winning author, syndicated columnist, workshop presenter and speaker, and TV show host.

The National Society of Newspaper Columnists: Organization for writers of serial essay, including columnists and bloggers, in any medium awarded me a third place in the General Interest: Online category of their 2021 contest. I am so delighted!

When I submitted two 2021 posts from this blog, I wasn’t fully aware of the level of competition. We’re talking successful freelance writers, syndicated newspaper columnists and Pulitzer Prize winners. I found that out when I attended the 2022 conference in Birmingham, Alabama this June.

Nicest people you’d ever want to meet! Truth-tellers all, seriously accomplished and way more fun than a barrel of shrinks. Mingling in the hospitality suite, a friendly guy approached me, took a look at my ID badge —Daniela Gitlin, MD—and asked, “Are you from Maryland? Or wait, are you an actual doctor?” Who wouldn’t laugh? “Congratulations on your win!” he said.

A while later, I was having fun talking with Dave Lieber, multiple national award winning DallasNews watchdog, playwright, and author. “By the way,” he interrupted himself, “Congratulations!”

“Thanks! I admit I’m amazed,” I said.

“Don’t be.” He grinned at me. “Now, you can call yourself a national award winning writer.”

I laughed. “Come on.”

Yeah. What a crock. You’re a nobody,” chimed in the devil on my right shoulder, that killer of buzzes, good ol’ Imposter Syndrome.

“No, seriously,” Dave said. “The NSNC is a respected national organization. They gave you an award. That makes you a national award winner. Q.E.D.”

There was no denying his logic. I chuckled. “I’ll have to get used to the idea.”

“You do that,” he smiled.

Hmph, Imposter Syndrome said sourly. I stuck my tongue out at him. In my mind, of course.

Read my award winning posts here and here.

Oh wait. My book won an award too. Check it out here.


Beyond Thrilled to Announce I Have a Book Deal with W. W. Norton


How to Live with Imposter Syndrome