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Dance, Overcoming Daniela Gitlin Dance, Overcoming Daniela Gitlin

How to Let Go Of Performance Anxiety (Or, Tripping The Light Fantastic)

Bellydivas - O encanto da dança do ventre -  pandeiro -13The three of us lined up, stage right. Our music started. I counted the intro phrase then danced on stage, right left right pause, smiling at Hubby and friends somewhere out there in the black across the lights.

One two three pause— Right left right pause— Toward stage left I tripped lightly, the two other dancers behind me. And missed a beat— Damn! 

If I’ve learned anything in five years of performing in student recitals, it is this: obsessing about one mistake draws a second, and a third, and so on. Like blood attracts sharks. Still, the craving to berate myself was strong. A siren song. 

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