Poodles Want To Blog Too

Who are we to stand in the way of poodle doodling?  ShrinkU introduces Poodle Times: Blogging by, for and about the poodle community. Poodle Times is a holey owned subsidiary produced by poodle-in-residence Poodle Oodle, written by Poodle Oodle, and edited by Poodle Oodle. 

Ever wondered how poodles noodle away the day? Read on. 

How To Keep Busy Between Naps, by Poodle Oodle

  • Eat. Though it’s never enough, and finishes too soon.
  • Sit and wait for food to fall from the sky. Hey, it’s happened.
  • Bark to alert dad: Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Sometimes he pops one with the beebee gun. Mom doesn’t like that. I don’t get it.
  • Bark to alert mom: Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!  I survey my domain from atop the couch in front of the living room window. Crows. Mailman. Pizza delivery. Dogs! Pulling their people on leashes! Wow! Bow! Wow! Wow! Mom stops typing to check it out.  She tells me to be quiet. I don’t get it.
  • Clamp between my jaws the cheesiest of the socks dad and bro toss to the floor— bro’s are the best— trot (with a furtive look over shoulder) to the master bedroom, paw paw paw the bedding (while moaning), then place it (now soaked) on the right spot. A few nose nudges and— it’s just so. Fleece gloves work too, but that’s seasonal, winter only. Mom hides hers. Good one, mom.
  • Tip all wastebaskets to sniff out that tasty tidbit.  Lots of salty tissues lately. Allergy season. Yum. Morning and evening, when nobody’s looking of course. They don’t like it.  What’s not to like? I don’t get it.
  • Swat the cowbell hanging from the back door handle to let my people know… I have to go. A smack on the outside bell, and it's back in, for a treat!  Timing is everything, or they start to catch on.
  • Lift the ears— Hark! It’s the call of the mild! Poodle Oodle Oodle! Calling all poodles! Come in poodles! Come in! That means belly rubs. Gotta go. 

In the next Poodle Times: Working Nine To Five, by Poodle Oodle


Away Self Pity! Away! A Not-Haibun


Haibun For Essex Farm