The Liebster Blog Award!

Shrink Unwrapped just honored with the Liebster Blog Award! 

What is the Liebster Blog Award? It's an award given to blogs with fewer than 200 subscribers by a blogger who feels they deserve more recognition.

Liebe means love in German. Ich liebe das! (I love it!)

Googling the Liebster pulled up a thousand thousand little blogs, all nominated by another, seemingly ad infinitum. A hundred hundred blogs speculated that the Liebster originated in Germany. Logical, but I conjecture otherwise.

Webster. Jokester. Liebster.  There’s a wry Yiddish ring to nouns with ster tacked on the end that suggests… New Yorker.  I see two tongue-in-cheek blogsters way back in the mists of cyber time— say, a couple weeks ago—  saying to each other, Damn, we could really use a hug and— Bang! The Leibster Award sprang full-grown from their minds, onto each other's blogs and the rest is net history.

Can we ever get too much acknowledgment? Too many awards? Too much link liebe?

The Rules:

  • Mention and link to the blogger who awarded you the Liebster.
  • Mention 5 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers you think worthy of the Liebster. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Copy and paste the award to your blog. 


Big THANK YOU to artist/blogger Barbara Swanson Sherman who nominated Shrink Unwrapped for the Liebster. Barbara is an amazing illustrator. Her tagline is: It’s All In The Details. I agree.


Shrink Unwrapped awards the Liebster to:

These final two probably have more than 200 followers, but what the liebe!

  • Later Bloomer:  Consistently inspiring biographies of people doing amazing things in mid-life and beyond.
  • Artemis Retriever:  First blogger to blogroll Shrink Unwrapped!  Thank you! Photos, dogs and rants against assorted unfairnesses and injustices.

Write on! 


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